cloudOPM have teamed up with auditcompliance to offer you a continuously updated Office Procedures Manual which ensures that you are on top of your compliance issues and the ever-changing legal landscape.
The Office Procedures Manuals use the latest AI technology to enable you to:
Having passed our Lexcel Audit last week I thought you might be interested to note that our Lexcel Auditor said “the manual is one of the best I have ever seen”
Meet the requirements for SRA Standards and Regulations and in addition manage quality standards such as Law Society’s Lexcel accreditation and the Conveyancing Quality Scheme (CQS) and ensures compliance with AML 2017 Regulations
With changeable dynamic documentation and revision history which enables you to be always up-to-date and have full control over all your compliance material
Meet the latest requirements for Practice Wide Risk Assessments (PWRAs), Proliferation Financing (PFRAs), and Sanctions Regime Risk Assessments (SRRAs)
cloudOPM uses intelligent forms and a powerful search engine and features our new AI Compliance Expert (ACE)
cloudOPM is a brilliant concept which is incredibly easy to use. Reassuringly cloudOPM is a dynamic reference resource, updated by AML and compliance experts.
Get in touch with us!
cloudOPM is a division of Audit Compliance Limited
© 2024. All rights reserved
Audit Compliance is a Private Limited Company incorporated in England and Wales.
Our registered number is 09604689 and our registered office is at
23 Chepstow Court, Barleythorpe, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 7TT.
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